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              1. <blockquote id='HfHnAO'><q id='HfHnAO'><noscript id='HfHnAO'></noscript><dt id='HfHnAO'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='HfHnAO'><i id='HfHnAO'></i>

                Customer satisfaction is our value. Thank customers for their trust, respect customers' rights and interests, care about customers' needs, understand customers' concerns, to achieve customer satisfaction, promote customer success. Sincere and friendly, warm and thoughtful, relaxed and cheerful, understanding and inclusive. Serve attentively, care sincerely.
                Service description
                1. Make sure to register customers' suggestions and complaints item by item and handle them carefully. Reply to customers in a short time. If the customer is not satisfied, continue to take action or report to the superior until the customer is satisfied. And to be complained of personnel to criticize education, serious will be punished, and ordered to apologize to customers.
                2. Regular return visits to customers, humbly accept customers' opinions and suggestions, take this as the basis for improvement of work, and constantly improve service quality.
                3. Each service personnel must adhere to the principles when performing after-sales tasks and be willing to accept the supervision of customers.
                4. After-sales service personnel respond to customers' urgent needs, complete service tasks with high quality in strict accordance with customers' requirements, carefully answer questions raised by customers, and actively provide various solutions for customers to choose, so as to achieve customer satisfaction.