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              1. <blockquote id='2SoUHc'><q id='2SoUHc'><noscript id='2SoUHc'></noscript><dt id='2SoUHc'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='2SoUHc'><i id='2SoUHc'></i>
                Position wanted: Sales representative
                Recruitment: 10
                Major requirements: no limitation
                Job Requirements:
                1. I am good at communicating with others, hard-working, practical and earnest, aggressive, quick in response, strong in expression, strong in communication and communication skills, and have affinity;
                2. Have certain market analysis and judgment ability, good customer service awareness; Have a sense of responsibility, can work under pressure; Have team work spirit, good at challenge.
                Application process:
                1. Resume delivery: E-mail (275624910@qq.com, email subject must indicate the school + major + applied position).
                2. Participate in the interview: according to the interview notice, bring your resume (if you have relevant certificates, the copy can be attached) to the designated place for the interview;
                3. Offer notice: inform the result within one week after the end of the interview.