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              1. <blockquote id='vv10ST'><q id='vv10ST'><noscript id='vv10ST'></noscript><dt id='vv10ST'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='vv10ST'><i id='vv10ST'></i>
                1. Guiding ideology of talent strategic planning
                To fully implement the strategy of strengthening the enterprise by talents, carry out the scientific concept of development, take accelerating the promotion of human resources professional ability as the goal, tightly grasp the three links of attracting, using and training talents, accelerate the pace of talent team construction, relieve the shortage of talents, and provide talent support for the development of the company.
                II. Principles of talent strategic planning
                1, the principle of people-oriented.
                2. The principle of capacity building as the guide.
                3. Implement the principles of education and training.
                4. The principle of training, certification and application according to the standard of professional ability.
                5. The principle of overall promotion.